
March 30, 2011

35 Is The New 13

So here's something I've learned recently: 35 is the new 13, at least in regards to skincare. Technically, I don't turn 35 for 8 weeks, but who's counting? As most of you know, I've had a rough go of it these past 4 months, but in the last few weeks especially. Why? Because my face has turned against me. Oh, & my hairline, but that's fixed now thanks to some strategically placed highlights (thanks, Gio!).

I've been washing my face with Kiehls Gentle Foaming Facial Cleanser for over 10 years. But this winter, my skin got especially dry because of all the outdoor running, so I went into Kiehls & they recommended I switch to Kiehls Ultra Facial Cleanser. Done. I immediately didn't like the new cleanser. It had a lot more bullshit in the ingredients; it had a smell (sensitive skin); & it seemed really drying. But I persevered & kept using it. In hindsight, I have no idea why.

I've never had issues with break-outs. I have super dry skin & I just don't break out. Ever. I'm not bragging, I'm just laying the ground work here. So for the past month or so, I've been getting some serious zit action. Mostly on my chin & jaw (wtf?). For whatever reason, it didn't occur to me that it might be my new facial cleanser. Also, chin zits are apparently 'stress zits' which clearly makes sense in my case. Thanks, biology.

I polled all my friends about what cleanser they use & did some pretty serious market research on MakeUp Alley & decided to return the new cleanser to Kiehls. They happily accepted my return & gave me a new bottle of my old cleanser. In the week-ish that I've been back on the old cleanser, my face has gone completely back to normal. For now....

There's really no point to this post aside from warning my more youthful readers that 35 is starting to feel REALLY old & that if I don't find a job soon, I'm going to turn into a witch. And not the cool Helena Bonham Carter kind either. I've got the grey hair, the chin zits, & you all know how much black I already wear. I'm just a pointy hat & a gingerbread house away from full-on transformation. Not good....


  1. Haha, oh man, don't feel bad.. at least yours went away with your old cleanser. I've had pimples since I was 16, and still now at 27 they show no sign of leaving. And I have dry skin as well :/

  2. When I started having totally unprecedented breakouts a couple of years ago, I finally broke down and went to a dermatologist. She cheerfully diagnosed me with "hormone surges," which translates to: You are over 30 and haven't had a baby. My body is betraying me.

  3. i have a bunch of crap around my mouth/chin too. do you use kiehl's moisturizers? the lady at the kiehls dillards counter was trying to sell me on this, but i didn't buy it because of the hefty price + i'm cheap (and i don't think i need anti-aging stuff yet, right? right?) :,default,pd.html?start=14&cgid=face-moisturizers

  4. Eva: Well, I spoke too soon. I just got back from running & there's a new one forming on my chin & one on my forehead. Grrrrr.... Does running causes zits? WTF, people? WTF?

  5. Delaney: OMG, yes! Sarah Allen told me the exact same thing. This is so unfair. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Thanks for nothing, modern science.

  6. Katie: I only use Kiehls cleanser. I use Aveeno moisturizer during the day & Olay Regenerist at night. Oh, & Mario Badescu eye cream. I'm all over the place, but aside from changing my cleanser recently, I never stray.

    I've been using anti-aging stuff since my late twenties.... Lynette, esthetician-extraordinaire, told me this hilarious story about how when she was younger & just starting out, she worked for a Russian lady. One day Lynette asked her if she should start using eye cream. The Russian lady asked how old she was & Lynette said, "24," to which the Russian lady replied, "Too late!" Hahaha!

  7. Oh man I hear you! Seems like you should only have to deal with one problem at a time, right?
    Neutragena has an acne prevention cleanser line that's really good and includes sensitive skin formulas.

    I have been seeing the dermatologist for years....its the only thing that works for me.

  8. PS, that anonymous comment is from me, I don't know why it didn't publish my name.

  9. I have super sensitive skin. Cetaphil has worked magically for me since a dermatologist recommended it a few years ago.

  10. Anonymous Libby (ha!): thanks for the neutragena tip. If this doesn't clear up soon, I may give it a try. Ugh.

    Tiff: I actually almost bought Cetaphil, but since Kiehls gave me a free bottle, I just took that. I may try it when this runs out though.

  11. Ugh. I've been there. I switched eye makeup and didn't realize I was allergic until my eyes were literally swollen shut. You figured it out a lot quicker than me!

  12. Stephanie: I have a friend who's allergic to pretty much all pink/red colored eye shadow. It's some bizarre pigment allergy -- FYI.
