
September 2, 2016

Friday Links

Reading This Week...

All hail, thirty years of Oprah! What a woman of color told her white friend when he asked her opinion on white privilege. Happy twelfth birthday, Design*Sponge! If you want people to read your political posts on Facebook, bury them in an apology, like this. A look back at Gene Wilder, the master of the comedic pause. I love Bloop so much! Oh great, body issues can start at three years old.

If I Could Have Dinner With Anyone...

Michelle Obama
Ann Patchett
Mike Birbiglia

lulz of the Week...

Eyes and Ears...

Don't sleep on Sooo White Guys. Phoebe's interview with Roxane Gay this week is A+++. How many times have you watched Beyonce's FIFTEEN MINUTE performance on the VMA's? Just once? Loser. I found a new podcast called Unscrewed. The jury is still out, but hey, maybe I'll learn something. I watched Elvis and Nixon and was surprised at how much I liked it (it's on Amazon Prime). TV-wise, I'm still watching Jane the Virgin and Stranger Things.



Robes and kimonos are all over the place for fall. I'm not sure I know how to wear this, but it was 50% off of $2.99, so... I own it now.

I Endorse...

You're the tits greeting card
Putting your weight in your Twitter bio


  1. I feel like if we band together, we could probably make this Ann Patchett dinner happen. Or ask Parnassus to be a bike sponsor... we could have a Huma gel coming out of one pocket, a wine bottle out of another and a book out of the third. They'd be the world's coolest jerseys and everyone would want to be us. ;)

  2. Remind me to tell you about the summer her house was on my running route and I ran past her walking her dog once a week. I had to eventually quit stopping and trying to talk to her because I could tell I had gone too far. But I love her so much. So much!!
