June 9, 2011

The Nasty

As you all know, I run with a local running group called East Nasty. I started running with them about a year ago. They run once a week, rotating through 12 different runs. The runs start at 3 miles & work up to 6. Last night was the last run, Run # 12, aka the Nasty. If you complete the entire 5.96 mile run, you get a bumper sticker.

I'm a sucker for a logo & I've been pining away for this bumper sticker for about 9 months now, but every time Run # 12 comes up, I'm either injured, out of town, or just too scared. Jessica, my running partner, is out of town this week, so I didn't plan on running last night. I'm just not a good runner by myself, especially on a run this hard. But then my friend Jolie emailed me & said she wanted to try it & that we could run it together, along with her friend Kathryn. So I went.

Me, Jolie, Kathryn & 2 other gals formed a little team & ran the entire run together. It was awesome! It was definitely the hardest course I've ever run, but doing it in a group made it tolerable. We stopped & walked when we needed to & there was a water stop at the top of Mount Nasty, the biggest hill on the run. (Thanks, Lululemon!)

I was just about the last person to finish, but I walked right up & snatched that bumper sticker out of Drew's hand! I'm really glad I did the run. I had built it up in my mind to be this unaccomplishable thing that I'd never do, but now that I've done it, it's not so formidable. Hell, I may do it again in 12 weeks! We'll see....



Misty said...

Oh I LOVE this!!!

Panda Parables said...

way to go!

Delaney Mae said...

Very well done! Especially with the heat this week, this is a serious feat to be proud of.

Little known fact: my talented husband designed that logo! That's why you like it, obvs!

The Blonde Mule said...

Thanks, Misty & Katie!

Delaney: I didn't know Austin designed that logo! So cool! Team Austin!


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