November 3, 2010

My Job

I'm only posting this because I know the majority of you don't follow politics, especially locally. My boss lost his reelection last night. This was 100% unexpected & caught everyone off guard. I did not leave my office yesterday thinking I may wake up today without a job. That sounds dramatic. In all likelihood, I still have a job, but it's not a guarantee. The new guy doesn't take over until January, so I'm presumably safe until then. In January, one of three things will happen: 1) I find a new job by then & none of this matters; 2) the new guy keeps me; or 3) the new guy brings in someone else & they move me to another office.

Again, this staying until January thing isn't a guarantee, so I'm still a little freaked out. Also worth nothing, my comps are this Friday. This is the huge test I take to graduate. I took today & tomorrow off to study, but I have a feeling my concentration isn't going to be what I'd like it be in light of recent events.

That is all.


Anonymous said...

The new guy would be a complete idiot to not realize what an AMAZING talent he has in you. Don't worry, everything will work out! Kick Ass on your comps on Friday!!!


alexis said...

thats some heavy shit. im so sorry. let me know if you need any help with anything over the next few weeks (or ever, obviously). and please keep us posted.

Acorn + Archer said...

Dude! I'm so sorry!! Don't stress (I know, easier said than done), but I hope this turns out to be a good thing and am so happy that you don't have to work for a meanie anymore. At least that prayer was answered, even if it wasn't in the way that you would have thought. Good luck Friday!!!!

ND said...

Indeed. Good luck!

Unknown said...

I'm sorry to hear this, Kim. Life always works in mysterious ways. Remember that.

The Blonde Mule said...

Thanks, friends. I find out tomorrow what's going to happen. A lot of people in my position are being sent home for 30 days until they figure everything out. So if you notice a dramatic increase in my online activity this week, you'll know I'm at home, ha ha.


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