July 6, 2011

The Future Is Now

John bought us both new phones yesterday, iPhone 4's to be exact. I've wanted an iPhone forever, but we were on Sprint & to switch to AT&T was expensive as shit, plus everyone hated AT&T. When Verizon got the iPhone, we decided to switch, but then I lost my stupid job.

Well, we have them now & they're awesome. This is my first smart phone, so I have no idea what I'm doing. Send me your app suggestions! The only ones I've downloaded are Twitter, Facebook, Fooducate, & Instagram (find me on Instagram @theblondemule). I also need to buy a coozy/skin/case - whatever they're called. The ones in the Verizon store were lame.

Anyway, I'm excited. Hooray for technology! Hooray for awesome husbands!


Brian Wilson said...

Pandora, Dropbox (sign up for the free account, 2 GB free and sync files between your computer and have access to it on the iPhone), Evernote, Shazam, Netflix (if you're a member), and Google Voice (get Visual voicemail without paying Verizon). I'll think of more.

Brian Wilson said...

Apple Store
Words Free (Scrabble)
Angry Birds (beware!)

Mary Katherine said...

Sound Hound
Bump It!
CBS Sunday Morning

I've been looking for a new case for mine, too. I really like the new designs from Jonathan Adler. Kate Spade has some cute ones, too. And I love that one from Marc Jacobs you sent me a few weeks ago.

Felix said...

Shazam by a mile
The Onion
Google Tools
all travel websites you might use

alexis said...

heres that case i was telling you about!!! http://www.neimanmarcus.com/store/catalog/prod.jhtml?itemId=prod122290022&eItemId=prod122290022&cmCat=search&searchType=MAIN&parentId=&icid=&rte=%252Fsearch.jhtml%253FN%253D0%2526Ntt%253Diphone%2526_requestid%253D7430

Panda Parables said...

i got one too yesterday! the upcoming change to verizon's data plan is what prompted me (although i have been heavily considering it for a few weeks now). hooray for us! i was up until 1am trying to figure stuff out. i just bought a $20 case at target 'til i find something i really like - i didn't want it to get scratched in the meantime.

The Blonde Mule said...

Wow, thanks, guys! I can't wait to run down my battery uploading apps all day.

Viva la iPhone!


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