October 29, 2009

I've Been Misted

Yesterday I got the H1N1 flu mist. I wasn't going to get it because a) I'm pretty sure I had it last year, & b) I didn't want to stand in those long lines they're showing on the news. Well, apparently a lot of people aren't getting it because they too think they've already had it & can't get it again. They're saying unless you were diagnosed by a doctor with H1N1, you probably didn't have it.

And those long lines? Totally not the case in Metro Nashville, at least not for the mist. I went yesterday at 3:00pm, parked right in front of the door, went straight to a nurse, was back in my car 5 minutes later. Seriously. A man was leaving as I came in & a grandmother was there with her 2 grandsons. That's it.

Right now, Metro is out of the shot version, which is why it's a good time to go if you can get the mist. I'm sure it's busier on days when they have the shots. If you're between the ages of 2-49 & not pregnant, you can get the flu mist. The Metro Health Dept is at 311 23rd Ave N. Hours are Mon-Fri, 7am-4pm. More info here.

I did have some side effects from the mist last night. Basically I fell asleep on the couch around 7:30, woke up around 10:00, was a little dizzy, tried to wash my face, but had a hard time leaning over the sink without tipping over, so gave up & went to bed. I think I had a low-grade fever, too. I had the whole hot/cold thing going on all night. But I feel totally fine today. Now if I can just stay away from anyone with H1N1 for the next 1-2 weeks, I'm in the clear.

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