November 2, 2009

Halloween Pics

John & I had our first Halloween party on Sat. night. I think it went really well. Pretty much everyone we invited came & came in costume, which was awesome. I made a pot of chili for the carnivores & Katie brought a pot of veggie chili for the herbivores, so we had all of our chili bases covered. In addition to the chili, I made pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese frosting & pumpkin shaped sugar cookies with buttercream frosting. Then I had the usual party snacks: chips & salsa, popcorn, chex mix, wasabi peas, etc. Carolyn & David made a big pot of Rotel which was eaten in its entirety within minutes of being placed on the table. Note to self: serve Rotel at all future parties.

The party was a lot of fun. I made a ridiculous Halloween playlist that included the rare Halloween gem, "Addams Groove" by MC Hammer. I was pretty proud of that playlist. At one point later in the night, a dance-off ensued between Pee Wee Herman & Bizness the Clown. My pictures don't do it justice. It was a sight to behold.

Big thanks to everyone who came. I hope you had fun & I hope this party becomes an annual Halloween event.


Full photostream here.

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