May 22, 2010

Garden Drum Revisited



You all remember my Big Lots garden drum score earlier this month, si? Well, I've gussied it up a little. I bought a new floor lamp, a new (Ikea) throw pillow & placed some books on the drum. I love the pillow & the colors in it, but I'm on the fence about the books. Are you supposed to set things on it? I've seen it both ways. Thoughts?


alexis said...

hmm i dont think theres a right or wrong way, but i think i prefer without books so you could set your mojito or glass of wine there, no?

Caryn said...

I think you should set books on there but not 100% of the time. A glass of wine would look fabulous on it! How about books on top of it only on Mondays and Wednesdays.


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