December 16, 2008

Where For Art Thou, Edward?

I've been too busy reading New Moon to blog lately. Here's my complaint with New Moon. I'm about half-way through the book & it's all about Bella. No Edward. I'm not reading these books to read about stupid Bella. I need Edward. I'm assuming Edward is the bear that everyone in the city is scared of, but it hasn't been confirmed yet. If you know, don't tell me. I'll report back once I get to that part.

Oh, and what's with Jacob Black? Are the people of La Push vampires too? Indian vampires? Again, rhetorical. Not really looking for answers here.


Delaney Mae said...

My comment: no comment. Just keep going, and I can't WAIT to hear what you think of how it all goes...Heh, heh, heh.

muggins mouse said...

omg. yes, KEEP READING! i'm 2/3 through new moon right now and OMG! i seriously wish i could quit my job and read these books for a living. I saw the movie last night. hot. i don't care how old he is. HOT.


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