January 3, 2009

An Aunt Sooner Than Expected

As most of you know, my sister is pregnant. She's scheduled to deliver on Jan. 22nd. Well, she found out yesterday she's leaking amniotic fluid. They told her to take it easy this weekend & drink a lot of water. She goes back to the doctor on Monday. If the condition hasn't improved, they're going to move the delivery up to next week. They told her she'll be full term in 2 days, so if she has to deliver, everything should be fine. My sister is naturally very worried & very stressed. Her biggest concern is that the baby isn't fully developed & will end up with health problems. The nursery is ready enough, but not as ready as she'd like it to be. Plus, the 1 baby shower she's having is next Saturday. I talked to her last night & she said she's going to get a pedicure today & then my mom is coming over on Sunday to help her with the nursery. I think everything will be fine. My sister & I have the same doctor & she's a very good doctor. I don't think she'd do anything to put either my sister or her baby at risk.

So I'm going to be an Aunt again at some point between now & Jan. 22nd. For those of you that know my sister, please send positive thoughts her way. I'll let you know what happens next week.

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