September 25, 2009

Blah Blah Blog

For anyone not reading The Blonde Mule in Google Reader, you may have noticed some format changes. I've spent the past couple of days updating the format. I added a link to follow me on Twitter, as well as Facebook. I changed it so anyone can leave comments, not just people with Google accounts. I put the Flickr gadget back up, which I believe links to my actual Flickr Photostream. Also, I streamlined & alphabetized my Blog Roll. It just looks cleaner to me, opposed to the way I used to have it. I added a Search box as well. If you type in "How I Became the Bomb," every post mentioning them will come up.

Lastly, I added Labels to my blog posts. This is what took me so long to do. I had to go back through all of my old posts & label them. I'm a fan of labels. If for whatever reason you want to look back at an old post, if you can vaguely remember what it was about, you can hopefully find it by clicking on its label. For instance, all posts involving Mr. Mule can be found under the label, "Hubs."

Speaking of Hubs, I've thought about asking him to be a guest blogger. Would anyone be interested in that? I have no idea what he'd blog about as I haven't actually talked to him about this, but, rest assured, it will be interesting. Keep an eye out....

And speaking of blog posts.... if there's any topic you'd like to see more or less of, please let me know. More house vs. less food? More weight vs. less exercise? Whatever your preference, I'd like to know.

Lastly, I'm also trying to attract more Followers. If you're a regular reader, think about subscribing &/or becoming a follower. I think anyone can do it, although it may be easier if you have a Gmail account.

So in doing all of these format changes, I learned that since I gave birth to The Blonde Mule on 12-4-07, I have posted 324 times, which I believe averages out to about 1 post every 2 days. Not bad.

Thanks for reading!


Delaney Mae said...

I vote yes, please, to Hubs guest post. I mean, I'm truly dying to hear what John wants to share with us.

Emotional Mullet said...

Don't forget your book reviews!

A Hubs guest post would be fun!

You post an review of last night's dinner as prepared by John and he posts a "Behind The Apron" blow-by-blow of the situation.

Unknown said...

Yes to husband guest blogging! He is a recurring character, it makes perfect sense. That being said, please ask your dog to guest blog too.


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