May 17, 2010

Weekend Wrap Up

Friday Night:
John had been up for almost 30 hours, so he fell asleep around 7:00pm & I opened a bottle of wine, made pasta & watched The Private Lives of Pippa Lee (so good!).

Got up early & headed to Atlanta with my friend Jaime. We went to Atlantic Station first to eat lunch & hit H&M, which was a total bust. Granted, I'm getting too old for H&M, but this store in particular sucked. It only had 2 sections: club & gym. So if you weren't in the market for a stripper dress or t-shirts & tanks, you were out of luck. Speaking of strippers, everyone in there had their boobs hanging out. It was bizarre. Everywhere I looked, I saw some lady wearing a strapless dress, pulled down under her bra. I'm still perplexed by this.

Ikea. Luckily, everyone in Ikea had their boobs in check. Must have just been an Atlantic Station thing. Moving on. I didn't really need anything in Ikea, plus I had planned on spending all my money in H&M, so I primarily spent the rest of the day acting as Jaime's personal shopper. She & her husband recently moved from Bellevue to Sylvan Park & are hosting Blake's younger sister's wedding in their back yard in June, so they're frantically trying to pull their house together. Jaime had a laundry list of things to buy & look at. It was a long day, but it was fun. When we got to the register, I had a bag full of shit & was worried I had inadvertently spent $100 on knick knacks, but my total was only $26. $26! Who goes to Ikea & only spends $26? And I bought the most random shit. I bought a throw pillow, a dog placemat for Linda's water bowl, spice jars & a herb tupperware container. Seriously. So pathetic.

I needed to run on account of all the crap I ate on Saturday, I'm talking to you, Ikea cinnamon bun, but the rain ruined that idea. So I made brownies. Why not? I didn't do much aside from grocery shopping & brownie eating. John is working away on turning the downstairs into a mastering studio, so he worked on that & I worked on clearing out my TiVo.

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