January 31, 2011

Weekend Wrap Up

John was in the studio with How I Became The Bomb all weekend, so I was flying solo. You can see pics of his 4-day session here.

I got up early & did the Pancake Run with MK & Cara. Man, it's good to be back in the land of pancakes. That night, I watched The Town on DVD. I had no idea I was so attracted to Ben Affleck. Ladies, watch this movie, trust me. Ben, if you're reading (& why wouldn't you be?), call me. We can do push-ups together.

I got up early yet again & worked out with MK. We did 7am Spin followed by 8am Sculpt. Then I had to run home & get ready for a hair appointment. Post hair cut, I headed East to MHG's for January Book Swap, where I picked up two new books: The Hunger Games & Mennonite in a Little Black Dress: A Memoir of Going Home. I'll report back.

With both of our mens unaccounted for, Katie & I made plans to go on a lady date. We met at Woodlands Vegetarian Indian Cuisine for dinner & then went to see Blue Valentine. I really enjoyed the movie, but man, it's rough. I love Michelle Williams, but has she ever done a feel-good movie? I don't think she has. And Ryan Gosling. OMG. As MK would say, "H. O. T.!"

I got up & drove to Shelby Bottoms for my East Nasty half marathon training. Jessica & I ran 6 miles. Barely. Jessica's knee has been bothering her & honestly so has mine, so we took it easy, but we finished. Post run, we all went to Mitchell's Deli for brunch. God, I love their cheese grits so hard. It was so nice out, when I got back home I sat outside & read all afternoon (& chased Linda all over the neighborhood, but that's a story for another day).

Wanting more Michelle Williams, I watched Wendy & Lucy via Netflix Instant Streaming. Not a bad movie, but my god is it depressing. Michelle: please do a romantic comedy. Please!


ND said...

I have been putting off Blue Valentine for just that reason! Two classes at the gym in succession? You are an inspiration to all.

Eva said...

Blue Valentine was amazing! I never liked Ryan Gosling before it, now I'm trying to watch some more of his movies. Seems strange he wasn't nominated for an Oscar this year, or earlier for "Half Nelson".

The Blonde Mule said...

Nichole: haha, thanks. I often work-out twice in one day. A) I'm unemployed & have nothing else to do. B) It balances out how much I eat....

Eva: Ryan Gosling - yes, me too! Again, H.O.T.


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