May 21, 2009

More Than I Deserve

Well, there's nothing like a birthday to get you over the birthday blues. I forgot how fun birthdays are. It's like being Queen for a day. Between Twitter & Facebook, I got more birthday wishes than I can count, not to mention all the emails, phone calls, voice mails, texts, etc. from friends & family. Plus, Carolyn took me to lunch where we both discovered a new love for fried maui maui tacos. And she put up a really cute blog post for me yesterday, seen here. Thanks, C-Bass!

I'm sure everyone feels like this sometimes, but last night I realized I have someone in my life that I just might not deserve. John has had a horrible month. His car got broken into, his laptop was stolen, our tax returns were stolen, a bunch of tools & random computer stuff was stolen. Complete nightmare. We're not exactly rolling in the dough, and we had to fork over a lot of money to get his car repaired, not to mention replace what was stolen. I told him not to worry about getting me a birthday present. I didn't need anything & he had bigger fish to fry.

My iPod finally crossed over into that big Apple Store in the sky recently & I knew John wanted to buy me a new one for my birthday, but there was no way with all the money he had to spend on his car, etc. Well, I woke up yesterday to a huge box on the kitchen table that said, "from Linda, John & your parents." It was a Wii Fit (tres excited!). Then I got home yesterday & there was another present for me from John & my parents, a brand spankin' new iPod. And a fancy one at that. Then he cooked me dinner!

It's not like John is usually unthoughtful or not generous. I was just laying in bed last night thinking of how lucky I am to have him.

So, 33, let's do it! Maybe this will finally be my skinny year. And if it isn't, which is highly likely, than at least I have a husband who breaks his back to make me happy.

1 comment:

Panda Parables said...

glad you had a happy bday. i didn't know that happened to john - that really stinks. where'd it happen?


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