June 8, 2010

Speed Session FAIL

I completed my first Fleet Feet Speed Session this morning & I SUCKED. Out of about 110 people, I was the last one to finish the timed mile (at 11:32, thank you very much). I timed myself on Sunday & ran a 10 minute mile. I don't know what happened this morning.

Well, I do know what happened, I was exhausted by the time I had to run the timed mile. Our warm-up was five times around the track (4 times around is a mile). The first two laps were supposed to be super slow, 'like you just rolled out of bed', they said, but of course, trying to keep up with everyone, I did the first two laps too fast, then struggled through the last three, which were supposed to be faster. After the "warm up" they had us do all these crazy exercises, two sprints around the track & then the timed mile. No breaks in between any of this. I'm surprised I could even do it honestly.

When I got there, there were a lot of women my size & bigger & a lot of women older than me, so I thought I'd probably be back in their group, but those fat, old bitches totally smoked me. Thankfully my friend Angie was there, otherwise I probably would have left in tears. I was so embarrassed. Once you finished your timed mile, you were supposed to walk a lap to cool down, so everyone was walking while I was pushing through my last lap. One guy patted me on the shoulder as he walked past me & said, "You're doing good." He probably thought I was a Jerry's Kid. I mentally flipped him off as I crawled across the finish line.


alexis said...

aww it sounds like you had an awful time, but this post was hilarious, sorry.
good for you, though, i wouldnt ever even be able to find the motivation to sign up for something like this, so you are miles ahead of me lady.

Jessica Wilson said...

Kim- let me tell you about my first time running with East Nasty. It was a "easy" 3-4 mile run and I quickly fell to the back of the pack (so far back that I couldn't see anyone in front of me). I had absolutely no course map so I get to the Shelby Bottoms trailhead and call Brian to tell him I'm lost and he needs to pick me up. About 15 minutes later he drives up and we find my car parked in front of one of the East Nasty's house with everyone gathered out on the street around it. Well- I was too mortified to be seen driving up to the house so I had Brian drop me off a couple of blocks away and then I run to my car like I had just finished the whole run. Needless to say, I got in my car, drove off, and cried like a baby vowing to never return. As you know- I did return and ended up with a happy ending since I was eventually able to complete a half-marathon. Chin up- I'm proud of you!

The Blonde Mule said...

Jessica, you never told me that story! That really does make me feel better. Now if I could just work out the charlie horse in my left calf.....

Thanks, friends!

Jessica Wilson said...

Ha- I was too embarrassed to tell anyone back in December when it happened. Now I could care less, and think its pretty funny.

BabySquids said...

The first time I ran a mile it took me 17 minutes and I felt like I was gonna die. I'm training for a half marathon now and that's about how long it takes me (10 - 11 min.) to run a mile now. Don't stress it, just have fun. Running is torturous enough.

ND said...

I run about a 13 minute mile on a treadmill. I hardly ever (like twice) run a full mile in real life, and I'm sure that it's a lot longer then. I'm impressed that you did it and that you finished. Stick with it and you'll get better!

The Blonde Mule said...

Thanks, pals! It's nice to know you all suck as much as I do, haha. Just kidding. Seriously, thanks. This makes me feel a lot better.


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