March 8, 2011

A Heartfelt Thanks

Friends, I am having a hard time. The combination of being unemployed & normal winter blues is taking it's toll. I'm kind of sinking. For whatever reason, Saturdays are particularly hard, probably because I'm not leaving the house or spending any money, which is what I used to do on Saturdays. So Saturdays being rough has led to Saturday nights being rough, followed by Sundays & Sunday nights. You can pretty much bet that at some point during the weekend, I am having a melt down & taking John down with me.

Then, because this is how the universe works, all of this other shit keeps happening. Nothing major, mind you, just more bullshit that makes an already hard time even harder, e.g. a knee injury; a check engine light; cancelling a much needed hair appt to pay for new running shoes; realizing you have a shit-ton of grey hair that you've never seen before & don't know if it's from stress or lack of highlights; getting turned down for every job you apply for, some of which you really wanted & thought you would get, & sometimes, hilariously, all on the same day. Point? Folks, don't walk beside me in a lightning storm, that's all I'm saying.

So yeah, life's a bitch - blah, blah, blah, but that's not what this post is about. I know, could have fooled me, right? No, this post is a shout-out to my husband, my family & my friends, without whom, I probably would have thrown myself in front of a train by now.

So, in no particular order, thank you all for: paying for my coffee/breakfast/lunch/dinner/; making me leave the house to meet your for said coffee/breakfast/lunch/dinner; taking me to the movies; making me re-learn how to swim; getting me out on the green way to walk our dogs; letting me vent; listening in general; telling me about jobs; writing letters of recommendation; getting your boss to write letters of recommendation; offering to bring me dinner; dropping cupcakes off at my house; flowers; cards; refusing to let me pay you for a brow wax (or 3); calling to check in; supplementing our bank account to make sure we can pay our bills; reminding me that I'm more qualified than I think I am; buying me ice cream & splurging for the magic shell; constant emails/texts/chats to check in & offer support; letting me off the hook for birthday presents; & not complaining when you come home every single Saturday to find me crying on the couch.

I turn 35 in May & I daresay, this is the hardest thing I've been through. There's no way to do justice to the range of emotions I feel on any given day. This is humiliating & it's arduous. From the very bottom of my heart, I thank you all for sticking with me. XOXO


Panda Parables said...

i hate it when my buddies are going through hard times. know that the baldwins always have 2 haas' to rely on, no matter what.

The Blonde Mule said...

Awww, thanks Haas'!

Libby said...

Kim, :( I'm sorry that it has been so rough. It WILL get better!!! You might need another dance party to help it along though! Or a cookbook party. Or a poker party. You get the idea....

ND said...

I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling. Hang in there. We're all rooting for you!

alexis said...

repeat after me: "im cool, im awesome, and my friends think im funny."
just kidding. but you are all of those things. i wish there was more i could do. things will get better, i swear.

Mom said...

You are loved; you have a wonderful husband and of course a wonderful mom & dad! :-) You are blessed beyond to see how everyone has pitched in to keep you out from under the train!

Anonymous said...

Aw, sweets, I am sorry that things are tough now; but I have NO doubt that things will improve very soon, and they will be even better than you could have imagined. Hang in there and I am always here if you ever need anything:) xo -W.C.

The Blonde Mule said...

Libby: thank you! And yes, I definitely think 'riding that train' again would lift my spirits, haha.

Nichole: you're sweet, thank you!

Alexis: hahaha, thank you! And thank you for EVERYTHING else.

The Blonde Mule said...

Mom: thank you, for both the benjamins & the inherited love of hyperbole.

Katy: thank you, XOXO!


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