March 6, 2011

Weekend Wrap Up

I drove to Brentwood in the torrential downpour to get fitted for new running shoes at Fleet Feet. Luckily, I saw Drew right when I walked in & he was able to help me. After trying on, & running in, multiple pairs of shoes, I decided on the Nike Vomero + 5. I also bought a pair of Montrail Enduro-Soles. I have to walk around in the insoles for a week before I run in them, but I ran in the shoes (sans inserts) yesterday & they felt really good. I was also able to run a pain-free 3 miles, which is the first time that's happened in weeks.

This is my first pair of Nikes & so far, I really like them. They seem to have a lot more cushioning than my Brooks did & they're super light. They feel really good. I've only ran in them once, so we'll see, but so far, so good. I'm still astounded that I was in the wrong shoes. Apparently, as I've become a better runner, my gait/stride has changed. Who knew? If you haven't been fitted in year or two, you may want to. Plus, Drew was awesome. He talked to me a lot about running, why I'm injured, how to train in the future, etc. He's good people. Love Fleet Feet!

With new shoes in tow, I drove to Smyrna for the twins' first birthday party. Hilariously, they're both getting their first teeth & they're getting their top fang-teeth first. They look like little jack-o-lantern/vampire babies, hahaha.

That night, John & I ate Indian & watched Zach Galifianakis: Live at the Purple Onion. So funny! "Fugees & Funyuns."

Jessica & I ran 3 miles at Shelby Bottoms & then went to Mitchell Deli for breakfast bagels. When I got home, I noticed there was a Tupperware bowl sitting on the trunk of John's car. I ignored it & went inside. When I asked him what it was, he had no idea so we walked out there & realized it was for me, haha. Chrissi & Mike had left me, or my butt rather (see above), some cupcakes, which I promptly inhaled, thus defeating whatever good the 3 mile run did.

Needing to burn off cupcake calories, John & I went to Target & McKay. McKay was a total bust for me. I couldn't find anything. John, however, made out like a bandit & bought $20 worth of misc. paperbacks about WWII & Cthulhu. You know, because it's not like there's already 200 books on these topics littered throughout our house....

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