July 14, 2008

Bikini Boot Camp

My friend MK and I started a 6-week fitness plan. Today was Day 1. Day 1 included a 6:00am Bikini Boot Camp class that was so hard I almost threw up. I've always wondered while watching shows like Biggest Loser & Work-Out why the people on the shows are always puking during their workouts. Well, today I figured it out. Bikini Boot Camp.

Our "warm up" was 5 laps around the tennis courts, followed by a set of squats & a set of push-ups. Then 3 more laps around the courts, followed by more squats & more push-ups. Then, you guessed it, 1 more lap around the courts, more squats, more push-ups. Then, here's the best part, a set of burpees. This is when I got dizzy & almost threw up. This was also still the beginning of the class. I had 45 more minutes to go. It was a rough 1st class, but I was so proud of myself for doing it. I drove home feeling like a gladiator, until I got in the shower & almost tipped over trying to shave my legs because they were shaking so much. Whatever. No pain, no gain.

Bikini Boot Camp is a 6-week class. It's offered twice a week, but we're only going to take it on Mondays. We're going to supplement it by taking Body Sculpt at the Y on Wed & Fri mornings. Then we'll do cardio on our own, or rather, as our aching, exhausted muscles allow (at least in my case). At the end of our 6 weeks, we're going to evaluate our progress & either keep going on our own, or potentially hire a trainer. The Y offers 1 on 2 training, so it's not a bad deal. Also, the Bikini Boot Camp instructor offers a Bridal Boot Camp, which we may also take once this class is over. We'll just see how it goes between now & then. Knowing my luck, I'll sustain some kind of ridiculous injury usually reserved for senior citizens & end up spending the next 3 months in physical therapy.....


ND said...

rock on with your bikini boot camp. keep us updated on your trials and tribulations, and progress, of course.

Emotional Mullet said...

Oh my god. *shakes in terror* Burpees.

the orange bicycle said...

well...physical therapy is a work out too...


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