April 20, 2009


On Saturday, Carolyn & I drove down to Atlanta to go to Ikea. We planned on being there a couple of hours & being back home around 8:00pm. Ha! We were in Ikea for what felt like a million years & didn't roll back into Nashville until midnight. But... we did get some pretty awesome (& much needed) loot. The star purchase of the trip is this mirror I bought to go over our couch in the living room. The mirror is cool, but it's the name that wins the prize: Stave, pronounced like a really southern gay guy would say "Steve." We worked "Stave" into so many sentences & conversations, it was ridiculous. On the way home, every bad driver was Stave. When the GPS on Carolyn's phone got us lost, it was Stave's fault. I'm going to let it go because there's no way reading it is as funny as hearing it, but trust me, it was really funny.

So because I don't have a lot of time/energy to work out right now, I've been trying to really watch what I eat. I started using this website Panda Parables suggested called MyDailyPlate. It's similar to Weight Watchers in that you log in everything you eat & it tracks the calories for you. It's actually very easy (& free), but I'm having some trouble with it. Most everything I eat is in their database, but when I eat something not in there, it gets complicated. There's a way to go in & enter generic calories for things, but it's time consuming & it's really all I can do to enter in what I eat when it is in the database. So basically, I'm half-assing it. Whatever, it still keeps me a lot more accountable than I usually am.

My problem is lunch. I end up eating out for lunch pretty much every day. Not only can I not afford this, it's making me fat. We don't have break rooms in our building. Random people have microwaves in their offices & I use those sometimes, but it's kind of a pain in the ass to hang out in someone's office while you're using their microwave, then you have to walk back to your office & eat at your desk with people sitting in front of you waiting to see your boss. It sucks. Plus, I hate Lean Cuisines. I buy them because they're easy, but I over-eat on the days I have them for lunch because it's just not enough food. I end up snacking more & eating more for dinner. I've thought about bringing something that doesn't have to be heated, but I'm not a huge sandwich fan, plus I don't have a lot of time in the morning to get something together.

This is really just a problem while we're in Session. When we're not in Session, I usually go home & eat. Plus, no one's here when we're not in Session, so it's no big deal to eat at your desk. We'll probably be in Session until early June, so I don't have too much longer. If any of you have healthy, non-Lean Cuisine lunch suggestions, please pass them on.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

I always blame everything on Steve. I have no idea who the hell he is, but he's an asshole. Stave is probably just like him.


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